

今天是一個陰暗有溼又大風的日子,我和老公如常開車上班。把車子在路旁停好後,老公一開車門,大風就把車門大大的吹開,在路上行走的一輛車剎車不及,撞了上去。門的損毀相當嚴重,就像一塊縐布一樣,已經不能關上。幸運地,另一部車的損毀還算輕微。和對方司機交換資料後,老公用自己的領帶把前門和後門綁在一起,把車開到修車店裏。 店裏的人看了後,說車門已經太破不能修,要換新的。由於我們應該要負擔對方的修車費,不論報不報保險都要付差不多2000元!

我現在還在這個意外的“餘震”(心理上的)當中,希望很快就能恢復過來吧!近來真是非常“黑仔” ,在這個意外之前不久,我們才把車子的倒後鏡拿去修,因為有一天老公倒車的時候把它撞壞了。

This morning, as usual, my husband and I drove to his office. It was a dark, rainy and windy day. We parked the car at the side of the street. My husband opened the driver's side door slightly. Suddenly a gust of wind grabbed the door and pushed it open wide. A car driving on the road couldn't stop in time and smashed into the door. We went round and looked at the door. It was really badly damaged. Somewhat scrambled up like a wrinkly cloth. It couldn't even be shut anymore. The car who hit us had less serious damage, luckily.

After exchanging details with the other driver, we tied the front door to the back door with husband's tie and drove to a panel beater close to home. The panel beater said the door is probably beyond repair and he would need to order a new door. We would need to wait for a few hours for the quote. Depending on the quote from the other driver, we will decide whether we want to claim the insurance. Doesn't matter which way we go, it will be close to $2000 out of pocket anyway!

I am still in a state of shock and hopefully will recover from it soon. Eh~~why are we in such bad luck!?? Doesn't look like we have much luck with our car lately! (We just got the back mirror fixed as it was crashed onto the front wall one day when my husband was backing the car! )

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